Here is Ben during his first hair cut in our kitchen by the world famous hair artist
Janeece. When you see the video you will realize that Ben believes a hair cut to be a gymnastic sport. Maybe he sees some foreign judges intently watching every combination of moves and theatrics.
USA 10, France 10, Sweden 10, China 10, Norway 10, Germany 11 and an Academy Award for best Comedic Performance with Atomizer. If you want to really experience cutting Ben's hair then do this (1) Place an empty catchup bottle on the kitchen table, (2) Spin around in place 50 times fast and then (3) immediately after spinning try to put a dime through the narrow opening of the bottle. Janice is amazing.
Never would such a colossal task been completed without the assistance and sacrifice of Nathaniel. As you can plainly see above he did at one point possess the atomizer but gave it away to help pacify his younger sibling. He also maintained a production line style of dispensing jelly beans in to Ben's mouth. 1 for Ben and 2 for Nathaniel at regular intervals. Nathaniel was (and is) a great helper! Ben looks rather handsome don't you think.
If you want to see the movie click
(If the movie does not work go here to download and install the latest version of Quicktime.)