Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Happy Easter (part 1)!

We enjoyed an easter egg moment the Saturday before Easter. The boys had been asleep and upon waking up they were told a surprise awaited them down stairs. Their eyes brightened with anticipation. They dutifully and excitedly got dressed and then waited a moment at the top of the stairs with the baskets we gave them. As they heard the explanation their smiles stretched and their feet twitched.

Let's back up a bit... Janice's mom purchased plastic eggs and items to fill them when she and Janice where at Sarah's in Chattanooga. They were not able to find the right moment to play the game. On Saturday while the boys slept Janice filled the 48 shiny plastic eggs with jelly beans or Whopper Robin Eggs and with my help hid them all around the downstairs.

Below is the story in pictures - with a brief explanation after each image.

Listening carefully to the big surprise.

First egg. Why wait?

Nathaniel and Ben have very different personalities and each approached the search with their own set of rules. Nathaniel searched out every egg he could possibly find and in the end found nearly all of the eggs. He took it as quite a challenge and envisioned a big pay off at the end.

Ben, on the other hand, found 5 eggs, placed each one carefully in his bucket, went to the coffee table and opened them one by one finishing the contents before opening the next.

Nathaniel rejoiced with every new egg he found.

Once Nathaniel could find no more eggs he stopped and began the feast. Ben had finished his 5 eggs by that time and seeing an opportunity for more, joined Nathaniel.

Nathaniel is very generous and dumped his eggs on the floor so everyone could enjoy them. After a while the kids faces were about as colorful as the eggs.

Even Daddy was allowed to join in on the candy feast.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Ben turns 2

Ben's birthday is on April 9th but we had the celebration today. It was a great day. There is no commentary today just pictures (23 pictures - oh my!!!). I think they speak for themselves... Thank you to everyone who participated - you certainly made it an occasion to remember. enjoy!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Just because she is sooo cute!

She looks so cute in this shot.
There is a whole series of these photos but this one of our personal favorites and the one that made it to Craig's computer at work. To get a larger more printable version click here (or click on the image above) and if that does not work copy and paste this link: http://www.mrcraig.com/blog/2006-04-01-Strawbry.jpg
(This linked image is a large image and if you do print it make sure to click on "Shrink to Fit" or it will not fit on one page!)