Tuesday, April 24, 2007

camera phone snaps

We had the option to replace our cel phones with Verizon and with the new phones came a new opportunity for picture taking. We currently have 40 gigs (9 DVDs full of digital photos). That covers August 2002 - April 2007 which shows just how much we love taking pictures.

Janice has become quite the photographer too. Her compositions are really great considering she is working with a moving target. If any of you have tried to take a picture with your cel phone you will REALLY appreciate her images below. Good job babe!

The images above are taken by Janice at a park in San Francisco next to where the MacExpo was held this year. I attended the MacExpo while Janice and the family stayed with my parents. They came down and piled in to my hotel room the day before we flew back to Atlanta.

I took this one and almost got everyone looking - Ben looked away before I could snap the shot.

What a cutie!

Dancing with the fishes.


Still beautiful - and Joelle looks nice too.

I like the hair in this shot.

The future...

The glorious present.


Ben was putting band aids all over himself and Janice explained: "Band aids are only to use when you are bleeding." Can you guess where Ben was bleeding earlier that morning? (answer)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What a weekend

We had a GREAT Easter weekend! Okay, okay, yes the kids were green nosed and Ben was sick for most of Saturday but...it was a great weekend. "WHY?" You might ask in the midst of all the sickness and tired children? Because we did nothing! Absolutely Nothing!!! Nothing but stay home and enjoy being a family. The kids are more cuddly when they are not feeling well so I got lots of "on the couch watching a movie" time with a boy on either side (Joelle does not buy in to the whole couch potato movie thing yet).

And quite truthfully even though we went through a box or two of tissues and a couple rolls of toilet paper trying to stem the tide - the kids were in wonderful moods. They played and played and played and when they napped they REALLY napped so we did not have any upset kids in the evenings. So it was the best possible situation with sick kids.

The weekend started on Thursday afternoon (Carter's gives a half day before a holiday) and ended on Monday night (I took Monday off for Ben's 3rd birthday - pictures to come later).

I even found some time to work on Ben's "first steps" video (featured below). He started walking at 14 months and Janice captured some GREAT video. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do (Janice laughs every time I play it). Make sure to let us know what you think.