This is my office building in Soho (technically Noho but that is another story...)
OshKosh in on the 5th and 6th floors. The restaurant next door is pretty good.
(click here for NY Work set of pics)NYC is a big busy place with more people than sidewalk cement. Going out to lunch during the week is more like going up stream and Saturdays are like a slow ice drift. It is more than a little crazy but always very interesting. I have been taking panoramics of older buildings as I walk to and from work. PhotoShop CS3 has a really cool function called "
Photomerge". It"blends" multiple photographs together into panoramics. I will stand on a corner or out in the street (not always a good idea) and take several shots top to bottom and/or side to side of an interesting scene. I then pull them in to PhotoShop and create panoramics! So...since I have not had time to write about our family for the blog I thought I would show off some of NYC scenery. Click
here to go to my NY Work set on flickr.