Dreamy eyed Nathaniel went to bed explaining to me that we would open his package in the morning. He has been a little under the weather these last few days and had a tendency to sleep in - not this morning. He knocked at our door just before 7 both he and Benjamin were up and smiling. It was that smile that says "I know and I can hardly wait".

The only issue I have with the Big Wheel, both adult and child, is the obvious omission. No brake. Now why on earth would you take the brake away!!! The commercial alone was hinged on the brake and how cool it was to come to a sideways sliding stop in front of your friends. (click here to see the TV commercial and here for the radio commercial) I did an impromptu survey of some of the guys at the office and each one physically showed me why the brake was important. They cranked their arm on some imaginary lever and slid their body to one side making the obligatory sliding sound. Seems odd but alas my boys have no idea and only wanted to take the dream machine out on the road.
Some pictures and hopefully video of that will soon hit the web. Well there are no brakes at work either - which again proves my point. Before I post this I also want to make sure to thank everyone that participated in some way in making Nathaniel's birthday special. He had a great week of phone calls, cake and presents. THANKS!