She was the easiest by far of all our births (size notwithstanding). Ever so politely at 7:15 am she started pulling some strings every 6 minutes. Janice smiled. Being the seasoned pro that she is Janice waited one hour to confirm the regularity of the contractions. She called me at 8:15 am. I start my day by stumbling out of the house at 6 am and then falling into my midtown desk around 7am. My cel phone has become a source of excitement for both me and my coworkers - eyes watch and ears listen whenever I would answer my phone. On Halloween, a few days ago, Janice came in to the office belly first through the elevator. A collective gasp went through the office. They watched as she ambled along with our two active boys in tow. At 8:15 I could hear my boys were noisily playing behind Janice's voice as she let me know it was time. I could also hear her smile.
I stopped at Publix to get some diapers and found out the man behind me in line was waiting on the same call I had just recieved. His wife was due on Saturday. He congratulated me in that way that only fathers can. Janice met me at the door - the contractions had receded a bit but she was convinced our little one was due. She started cleaning the house top to bottom rushing around like a mother bird gathering straw and string for her nest. Our boys played the part of pesky squirrels pulling at each strand just after it was set in place. Fortunately our good friend Renee Allen gathered up the boys and took them away (thank you again!). Ben seemed a bit concerned but Nathaniel just waved and smiled. Our home was quiet. Those of you that are parents will understand the quiet of a house deserted. It was nice.
Janice did not slow her pace any and soon had contractions coming every 3 minutes. In an effort to assist with the preparations my parents arrived and Janice answered the door. Seeing us still at the house wondered if it was a false alarm. I smiled. The amazing thing about Janice is her composure even in the midst of the tremendous pain. She will pause for moment stare at some deep point in space and then continue the conversation where she left off as though nothing more than a moment of thought had transpired. Amazing.
We were soon off to the doctor (It was requested that we see a doctor before heading to the hospital). On the way we called our doctor and upon hearing that the contractions were down to less than 3 minutes waved us on to the hospital. Number 3 is unpredictable. It was just after 2pm and we had not eaten anything. I am sure if the Taco Bell attendant had paid attention I would have received one of those stone casting stares reserved for the scum of the earth. Janice was panting away eyes closed in a painful trance - sitting increased her pain and here we were ordering a 7 layer burrito and a soft taco. Janice is gracious too.
We made it to the hospital at 3pm and things moved pretty quickly from there - we went from an available room to a labor and delivery room with contractions down to 2 minutes and dilation at 4 centimeters. Then time stopped for about 2 hours although the contractions did not. We waited and I helped Janice work through the pain as best I could. Then suddenly we were at transition and I was ready for a 40 minute bout with Janice the hun. She is feisty when it comes down to the end showing a great deal of focused strength and intensity. 10 minutes later Joelle had arrived.
Upon her arrival I noticed that she seemed big - bigger than the boys. When the nurse rambled off the stats at 9 lbs and 22 inches Janice and I looked at each other amazed. The machine of the Women's center at Northside Hospital kicked in to high gear. This is our third pregnancy there and it is always like watching the well oiled gears of a giant clock to see these people work. Within seconds Joelle was cleaned, checked and handed to me wrapped up tight - about an hour after delivery when Janice was seen as fit to leave we went to our room. Around 12 midnight and nearly 1000 phone calls later we fell asleep until 2am and 4am and 6am and 8am and well you get the picture. Visiting hours began at 11 am. Like a big birthday party at a small house our room was full with everyone coming and going for two days.
After much poking and prodding, with a collective nod we were given permission to leave. Out come the cameras. There are specific moments in everyone's life where they understand the life of the rich and famous. Photographers calling out, video cameras following every move and this was one of those moments. The nurse wheeled Janice holding Joelle through the hospital double doors to my father and me waiting with the car. [Believe it or not our little 2000 Toyota Camry can take 3 car seats in the back (just don't sneeze while in the car).] Then it began. "Oh -wait that looks great." "Smile, no look over here, over here please - yes I see the truck - over here please." "Nathaniel stand right there. No - there. No - right there. Good - where's Ben?" "Which camera do I look at?" "Oh no - need some film, hold that pose." and on and on until finally we found our selves waving out the window and pulling away from Northside.
At home Janice followed me in the front door with the video camera and I followed Janice up to the room to place Joelle in her crib. The light was perfect. She is beautiful - a porcelain doll. Well, I think so. I saw that - you smiled.
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