Joelle does look glamorous in this hat especially against such a plush background. I have this picture as my desktop image at work and it always inspires a pause in conversation accompanied by a smiling "Awwww."
Kudos to Janice for taking such a wonderful picture.

Here is the sweet cuddly baby look. Look at those eyes - how is daddy ever to escape them.

Good try Ben but Joelle's bonnet , albeit denim, is not a good addition to your wardrobe. Can you tell that we like Superman at the Stewart house? Currently mommy is Lois, daddy shifts between "Big Superman" and bad guy (what!?), Ben is Batman (or "Little" Superman) and Nathaniel is Superman. Joelle has not yet found her role in the super hero saga. Ansel is just a grumpy old 19 pound cat that Superman studies from a distance.
[Have you watched the Superman Returns trailer yet? click here to see it!]
Always finish with a smile. More later. I hope to get another video up so everyone can see and hear Joelle talking. She is just wonderful and the boys think so too!