Friday, February 24, 2006

third person...

This is a short post but I thought I would tell the story... Nathaniel is going through the transition from speaking in 3rd person to 1st person. A friend was watching Nathaniel and Ben for us last week and decided to assist in the teaching process. She explained that when he referred to himself he was to use the pronoun "I". Repeating things like "I would like to go outside, please.", "I like cookies." and "I want that dumptruck.". Nathaniel listened intently and seemed to understand so he made his first attempt: "I, Nathaniel, want juice!".

We have contacted someone at Buckingham Palace to see if they could instate Nathaniel as a King of something. It certainly would match his new approach to grammer. :) Had we known then we would have used this for potty training?

More later - have a great day!