On Saturday we celebrated Nathaniel's 4th birthday and on Sunday we had Joelle dedicated at our church. It was a full weekend. Joelle has a beautiful dress and bonnet that really show well in our pictures. I played with the first image and softened the background a bit to add effect. She really looks beautiful. If you click on the image you will get a higher resolution version of the image. You can download it to your computer (right click on a PC or control click on the Mac) and print the image.
After church we went to the Olive Garden with all the family which included our good friends Glen and Renee (they were Nathaniel's and are currently Ben's Sunday school teachers ). Joelle lit up the room with her radiance and such a sweet smile. Nathaniel enjoyed the extension of his special day. The waiters came out chocolate cake in hand, loudly singing Happy Birthday. Nathaniel beamed. After blowing out the candle he made certain that everyone got some cake if they wanted some. It was a great time.