Our due date is July 6 (although I am partial to 07/07/07). We are on the edge of our seats and completely under the microscope. EVERYONE is here in the house (8 kids ages 5 months to 4 years, 2 aunts, 2 uncles, grandma, grandpa, Janice, myself and Ansel the cat = 17). They have been here for the last 3 weekends. The first weekend we had 21 people as another aunt, uncle and 2 cousins were down for a our niece's dedication. We have people piled up sleeping in every room and on every flat surface. It sounds somewhat like the stock exchange - kids and children talking over one another. "Can I have some juice?", "Where is mommy?", "Mommy, mommy, mommy" "daddy, daddy, daddy" and on and on...
We are all watching Janice's belly. Thursday last week was Janice's 39 week appointment and the mid-wife was convinced that a baby could arrive by Sunday. She is at 3 cm, 60% effaced and engaged at
stage -2 (here is a
3d medical illustration - a bit graphic). Still watching the belly. It's like being a celebrity. Every few minutes a report is necessary to know why Janice might appear to be waddling a bit slower than a minute ago. Every morning curious eyes check to see if we are still in the house. The phone rings "How are you doing?". The neighbor walks over "How are you doing?".
how ARE we doing? Janice is tired and VERY ready to have this baby. Here is a nice side view of Janice I took earlier today.

We will keep you up to date! Thank you for all the calls and well wishing. More to come soon (hopefully REALLY SOON!)