Vacation Part 2: The weather at Camp of the Woods (COTW) in the Adirondack mountains was very cool with a slight breeze. Rain clattered afternoons gave way to slightly chilled nights. Unfortunately the much anticipated beach had been swallowed up by the forceful rains and swollen rivers. It made for the kind of scenery that suggested you keep your eyes out for animals passing by in groups of two. During the dry times the boys played outside until the mosquitoes bothered them back on to the screened in porch. They especially enjoyed a short ride or two on Uncle Jeff's motorcycle a Suzki Hayabusa; a sleek and quiet machine that purred as it moved. Even parked, leaning against the kick stand it was like watching a thoroughbred leaning in to the gate. The boys would sit on the bike, rumble with their heads low, eyes wild ahead and hands on the grips - ready for speed. Great bike Jeff!
Our time at Speculator was filled with Uncles and Great Uncles, cousins and second cousins, grandmas, grandpas and Great grandmas. All with insatiable cameras clicking away at each minute that passed. We went on walks and boat rides, saw fireworks, sunspots (thanks to Uncle Doug's telescopes) and even a trash can with evidence of a hungry bear hug. There was so much to see that the boys generally had a hard time closing their eyes at night. Fortunately an image is worth at least a thousand words and our camera got quiet a belly full too. So for a more thorough explanation of our vacation at COTW I will direct you to the novel of images above.
We decided to cut our time a bit short this year as we wanted to follow Grandma and Grandpa Batdorff down to DC. It was an extraordinary Adirondak bright blue, clear and crisp day greeted me as I packed our car to leave. Every year on the day we leave the weather is perfect. It is like an unexpected parting gift serving as another reminder of why we came. After a flurry of pictures, smiles and hugs we folded ourselves into the car and we drove away hands waving at Great Grandma Faust smiling but a bit somber. One more stop to make before driving in to DC: Greenville, NY.
Our time at Speculator was filled with Uncles and Great Uncles, cousins and second cousins, grandmas, grandpas and Great grandmas. All with insatiable cameras clicking away at each minute that passed. We went on walks and boat rides, saw fireworks, sunspots (thanks to Uncle Doug's telescopes) and even a trash can with evidence of a hungry bear hug. There was so much to see that the boys generally had a hard time closing their eyes at night. Fortunately an image is worth at least a thousand words and our camera got quiet a belly full too. So for a more thorough explanation of our vacation at COTW I will direct you to the novel of images above.
We decided to cut our time a bit short this year as we wanted to follow Grandma and Grandpa Batdorff down to DC. It was an extraordinary Adirondak bright blue, clear and crisp day greeted me as I packed our car to leave. Every year on the day we leave the weather is perfect. It is like an unexpected parting gift serving as another reminder of why we came. After a flurry of pictures, smiles and hugs we folded ourselves into the car and we drove away hands waving at Great Grandma Faust smiling but a bit somber. One more stop to make before driving in to DC: Greenville, NY.