The property is on the other side of the trees.

entrance mentioned above at my back.

We stopped by our field of weeds in Greenville, NY and dreamed for a bit. Someday our home will be here nestled in with the lush green landscape (6 acres total which continues past the tree line on the right). There is a small pond at the top of our property and we all tried our skill at getting a rock from the road in to the pond which was a lot harder than it looks. The boys initially tried by using biggest rocks they could lift. Nathaniel and Ben would pick up huge rocks grunting them forward only a few inches. Eventually they realized it was much more fun to toss rocks at a closet target and splash them in the big brown puddles along side the road. The new game provided instant gratification as well as a need for dry clothes.
It truly was a beautiful day. I will let the pictures speak for themselves. Next stop - Birthdayville in VA.